WebIS Mail 2 Help

About WebIS Mail
About Services
About Storages and Folders

How to...
Manage messages
Manage services
Manage synchronization and connection

About WebIS Mail

WebIS Mail allows you to manage your e-mail from mobile device. It can be synchronized with desktop or with your mailboxes placed on POP3 or IMAP servers.

Individual service is created for each account that lets you set different options for all services. Most settings can be easy changed at any moment.

Note: IMAP works only in off-line mode in WebIS Mail. It means that you can not connect to server and make changes on it at once. All necessary actions you should make at your mobile device and then synchronize with server in order to apply changes.

About Services

Each account with which you want to work from device must have its own service. There are services of three types in WebIS Mail: POP3, IMAP and ActiveSync.

You can create as many POP3 and IMAP services as you need and make individual settings for each of them. For more information how to create or change service see Services.

ActiveSync service is created by default. It is designed to synchronize mail on your device and desktop. This service can not be synchronized with any mail client but only with Outlook or Microsoft Exchange server. You can not delete this service but you can make its storage invisible and turn off its synchronization if you don't use it. You can not change settings from your device, use desktop for this purpose.

About Storages and Folders

There are some differences in folders using for POP3 and IMAP services.

When creating POP3 service you can choose if it will use general Local Folders storage or new storage will be created. In the first case on service deleting all its messages will be left at Local Folders. Otherwise storage can be either deleted together with the service or never. Note that storage can not be deleted later than storage at the current version of WebIS Mail.

IMAP service always is created with its own storage.

On new storage creating following folders are created automatically:

Further folders behavior depends on the type of service to which the folder belongs.

If folder belongs to POP3 service you can create, copy, move, delete subfolders and move or copy messages between them. If you copy message and it was not downloaded completely then only original message can be downloaded later. The only effect for server will be in deletion messages from it according to settings (see Mail Deletion).

For IMAP service you can create local folders as well as server ones. Server folders can be mounted locally. Settings will be individual for each mounted folder (see IMAP Server Folders). If you move message to a local folder and this message has not been downloaded completely it will be impossible to download it later.

Messages Managing

Create a new message
Edit message
Copy or move message
Reply or forward message
Delete message
Mark message as read automatically
Download headers only
Download the whole message after header downloading
Upload message to IMAP server
Set default encoding
Specify a signature for messages
Specify when messages must be deleted from server
Change visible columns in the list of messages

Services Managing

Create new service
Change existing service settings
Delete service
Change information about you
Change incoming server settings
Change outgoing server settings
Change IMAP root folder
Specify when messages must be deleted from server

Synchronization and Connection Managing

Set how old and how large messages must be downloaded
Set period of new mail checking
Download headers only
Download the whole message after header downloading
Set secure connection
Select connection type
Tune notifications about new mail etc.


You can see and manage all messages from selected folder at this tab.

If you tap you will see nearly the same menu with additional option Encoding. Using this option you can change message encoding.

You can specify what columns and in what order will be visible. To do it tap and hold any column name and select Columns option. See Columns specifying for more information.

To create new message tap New in the left-bottom corner.

To change settings tap button. For more information see Settings.

To receive or send mail tap button. For more information see Mail Sending and Receiving.

Tap and hold one or more messages to see popup menu. If you want to select several messages placed one by one in folder just tap the first message and move stylus to the last one. If you want to select several messages which are placed not near tap keyboard then tap Control key and select each message you need.
Open - opens message, shows its content if message has been downloaded and some headers. You can tap the message twice instead of selecting this option.
Reply - reply to message author.
Reply All - reply to message author and all recipients except you.
Resend - resend message.
Forward As Attachment - forward message as attachment.
Forward - forward as message.
Mark As Read - all selected messages will be marked as read.
Mark As Unread - all selected messages will be marked as unread.
Mark For Download - all selected messages will be marked for download.
Copy to Folder - copies message to another folder. If only header was downloaded it will be impossible to download body for copy later. Only original message can be downloaded.
Move to Folder - moves message to another folder. Even if only header was downloaded it will be possible to download the whole message later after moving.
Delete - deletes all selected messages. You can also delete selected messages by tapping button.
Select All - selects all messages in folder.
Properties - shows information about message. See Message Properties.


This tab contains all visible storages with their folders. To make storage visible or hide tap and select Storages. Each folder that contains one or more messages is displayed in bold type and you can see amount of messages in brackets. If folder contains some unread messages there are two numbers in brackets: the first number specifies amount of unread messages and the second number specifies total amount of messages in the folder.

If folder has subfolders there will be small plus near it. To see subfolders just tap this plus. It will change to minus and subfolders will be shown. To hide subfolders tap minus.

You can act on folders in some ways. Tap and hold folder. You will see popup menu.
Open - opens folder, shows list of messages that this folder contains.
New Folder - creates new folder. You will have to enter new folder name and select parent folder.
Rename - renames folder.
Empty - deletes all messages from the folder. You can delete subfolders or leave them in position. But it is impossible to delete messages in subfolders but leave themselves.
Delete - deletes folder with all its subfolders.
Move to - moves folder with all its subfolders to another folder.
Mark All as Read - marks all messages in folder (but not in subfolders) as read.
Mark All as Unread - marks all messages in folder (but not in subfolders) as read.
Mark All for Download - marks all messages in folder (but not in subfolders) that has not been downloaded earlier for download.
Mark All for Don't Download - marks all messages in folder (but not in subfolders) for don't download.

Note that you can not rename, empty, delete and move standard folders: Inbox, Outbox, Sent, Deleted, Drafts.

Creating New Folder

This window appears when you are creating new folder.

You can enter name for the new folder and select parent folder for it.

Remember that you can not create folder with empty name or two folders with the same name in one parent folder. But you can create several folders with the same name in different parent folders.

Columns Specifying

To specify which columns must be visible or hidden in the list of messages tap any column name and select Columns.

To make column visible just check it.

To reorder columns use Move Up and Move Down buttons.

To change column width select it and specify its width in pixels.

Note: all columns settings are individual for each folder.


To manage services and their settings tap button and select Services from popup menu.

You will see list of existing storages and their types.

To create new account tap New and follow wizard instructions.
When you are creating POP3 Service you can choose if standard Local Folders storage or separated storage will be used. Note that when service with separate storage is deleted you can delete this storage at once or leave it. If you leave such storage it will be impossible to delete it later.

To delete service select account you want to delete, tap Remove and accept deletion.

To change any settings of existing service select it and tap Change.
There are a lot of service settings and they are individual for each account that allows tuning each account flexible and according for your needs. All service settings are divided into several tabs:
Incoming Server
Outgoing Server
IMAP Specific
Incoming Mail
Mail Deletion

General Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select General tab.

At this tab you can change general information such as service name, your name, e-mail address, reply address, organization. You also can specify if this service will be included when receiving mail or synchronizing.

Incoming Server Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Incoming Server tab.

All incoming server settings are turned at this tab.

Host address, port, user name and password are set at this tab. Timeout (shows how long answer from server will be waited) and if SOCKS server and/or secure connections will be used you can set here as well.

If you do not know host address or port or in which form user name mist be entered ask your system administrator. If you do not communicate with server administrator (for example using free mail server) such information must be available at that server.

Outgoing Server Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Outgoing Server tab.

This tab contains information about host address, port, timeout, if SOCKS server and/or secure connection must be used.

If outgoing server requires authentication you can select one of the following authentication variants: to use the same settings as in incoming mail server, set another user name and password for connection or to check incoming mail before sending.

If you do not know host address or port or in which form user name mist be entered ask your system administrator. If you do not communicate with server administrator (for example using free mail server) such information must be available at that server.

Incoming Mail Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Incoming Mail tab.

This tab allows you to specify if mail will be checked at startup and then periodically (and how often).

You also can specify which messages should be downloaded.

If you need only newest massages check Only mail from the last __ day(s) and specify how old message can be.

If you need only small messages check Only messages smaller than __ KB and specify maximum size of the message.

It's also possible to download only headers or headers with message part of specified size.

You can combine these rules as you need. For example, you can download only headers of messages that came not earlier than two days ago and are not lager than 10 KB.

Mail Deletion Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Mail Deletion tab.

This tab is available only for POP3 services. To tune deletion rules for IMAP service see Server Folders.

Sometimes you want to leave downloaded messages on server but sometimes you want them to be deleted.

First of all you should set if messages will be deleted from server after it has been downloaded at once. If you leave messages on server they can be deleted after specified number of days, after you delete them from local Deleted folder or never.

You can change this setting at any time if you need.

Signature Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Signature tab.

You can add predefined signature to outgoing messages. Signature can be added to new outgoing messaged and/or to replies and forwards.

Signature text is defined at this tab too.

IMAP Specific Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select IMAP Specific tab.

This tab is available for IMAP services only.

You can specify the folder on the server that contains all your folders here.

If you are not sure in this folder name format ask server administrator.

Socks Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Incoming Server or Outgoing Server tab. Mark Use SOCKS server and tap Settings near it.

Host address. port, Socks version and user authentication can be specified here.

If you are not sure in settings values ask your administrator.

SSL Service Settings

Tap , select Services from popup menu, select service, tap Change, select Incoming Server or Outgoing Server tab. Mark Use secure connection and tap Settings near it.

Connection Type depends on server.
Implicit - means that secure connection will be established first and all data will be transferred via secure connection.
Explicit - means that POP3 or IMAP connection will be established first and SSL connection will be established over it. You can allow or deny using insecure connection if secure one cannot be established.
Protocol Versions - there are three possible protocol versions: SSL2, SSL3, TLS1. You can select one or more of them to be used during secure connection. If you select two or three protocol versions connection will be established using the most resent of them supported by server. Note that you it is impossible to use only SSL2 and TLS1 when not using SSL3. You should enable all three versions if need both SSL2 and TLS1.
Security settings - there are a lot of different algorithms can be used during SSL connection. Some of them were broken and cannot guarantee security. If you want to use only strong algorithms which use keys not shorter than 128 bits and was not broken yet mark according checkbox.

IMAP Service

IMAP Service has some additional settings because of its specific. When using IMAP you have several folders on server and some local folders. Local folders and folders on server can be mounted or independent.

To create new local folder tap and hold IMAP service name or folder and select New Local Folder. Then you will have to enter new folder name and select parent folder.

To create new server folder or change settings of existing one tap and hold service name in the tree of folders and select Server Folders. If you want actions you take on local folder to affect server one you must mount server folder locally. To do it mark folders that must be mounted at the IMAP Server Folders page. After you mounted server folder you can specify what will happen to this folder on synchronization.

Note: IMAP in WebIS Mail is offline only. You can not affect messages and folders on server during online connection. You should do everything you need with local folders and then synchronize service.

IMAP server folders

IMAP Server Folders

To open this page open Folders tab, select IMAP service, tap and hold it and select Server Folders from popup menu.

If you want actions you take on local folder to affect server one you must mount server folder locally. To do it mark folders that must be mounted. After you mounted server folder you can specify what will happen to this folder on synchronization. These actions are specified for each folder separately.

Messages deletion on server and locally can be independent or linked. Moreover this link can be one- or two-sided.

IMAP Service


Tap and select Storages.

To make storage visible just check checkbox near it.

To place storages in order you want to see them at the screen use yellow arrows at the bottom.


To access settings tap button and select Settings from popup menu.

All settings are divided at several tabs according to their functions.
Mail Read
Mail Compose
Mail Delete

General Application Settings

Show icon in the system tray - check this option if you want to see WebIS Mail icon in the system tray of today screen when it is running.

Smart Minimize button closes the app - check this option if you want WebIS Mail to be closed instead of minimizing when smart minimize button (cross in the right-top corner) is taped.

Automatically display folders with unread messages - if there is one or more unread messages in subfolder all parent folders will be opened as this folder will be visible.

Show Status Window on manual synchronization - check this option if you want to see status window when run synchronization manually. If synchronization was run automatically this window will never be shown.

Reset synchronized services after manual synchronization - specifies if timer must be nulled after manual synchronization. It can be unwanted in some cases, for example if you need mail to be checked at defined moments or if all services must be synchronized at once. If you want to reset timer after manual synchronization but still need all other services to be connected with time period check Reset all services, not only synchronized too.

Notifications Application Settings

Tap , select Settings from popup menu, select Notifications tab.

At this tab you can specify which notification and for how long will be shown.

Notify before synchronization at startup - check this option if you want to be asked to specify which services must be synchronized every time at startup.

Notify before periodical synchronization - check this option if you want to be asked to specify which services must be synchronized every time when it's time for automatic synchronization.

Hide before-sync notifications after __ seconds - check this option if you want notification before synchronization to hide and synchronization begin automatically if you do not react to it. Services specified by other settings will be synchronized.

Notify after automatic synchronization - check this option if you want to be notified after automatic synchronization. You can be notified either after each automatic synchronization or only when new mail has been downloaded.

Notify after manual synchronization - check this option if you want to be notified after manual synchronization. You can be notified either after each manual synchronization or only when new mail has been downloaded.

Hide after-sync notifications after __ seconds - check this option if you want notification after synchronization to hide automatically if you do not react to it.

Connection Application Settings

Tap , select Settings from popup menu, select Connection tab.

You can establish one of two possible connections from your device: connection to "Work" and to "The Internet". This tab allows you to specify which of these connection and in which order will be used.

There are five possible variants:

Each of these variants can be useful in different cases. For example, it can be unwanted to connect over your work computer. Or you vice versa don't want to connect via mobile phone. You can select variant most suitable for you.

Mail Read Application Settings

Tap , select Settings from popup menu, select Mail Read tab.

Mark message read after displaying for __ seconds in preview - check this option if you want messages to be marked as read automatically after they have been previewed for specified time period.

Mark message read on opening in message view window - check this option if you want message to be marked as read on its opening in message window independently on how long this message has been displayed. To open message in message window select it in folder and double tap on it.

Read all messages in plain text - this option specifies if messages in HTML will be displayed as HTML or plain text.

Use the following encoding as default for viewing messages - you can choose encoding that will be applied by default to messages in which encoding is not specified. Moreover you can ignore encoding specified in message and this one will be applied always.

Ignore encoding specified in message headers and use the default - the encoding specified above will always be applied to messages independently if any encoding is specified in message headers.

Mail Compose Application Settings

Tap select Settings from popup menu and go to Mail Compose tab.

At this tab you can choose settings for new messages.

You can set default encoding for new messages.

For replies/forwards you can use either encoding of original message or encoding you have set as default.

Message text can be encoded using Base 64 or Quoted Printable or it can be transferred without encoding. You can change variant that seems to you the best one.

You can allow or forbid 8-bit characters in headers. Some servers can damage 8-bit characters in headers. If you do not allow 8-bit characters in headers and such character appear it will be transformed according to MIME standard.

You can choose if text must be encoded and if 8-bits characters allowed in headers independently.

Mail Delete Application Settings

Tap , select Settings from popup menu, select Mail Delete tab.

Mark message read on deletion - check this option when you want deleted messages to be marked as read independently on other rules. Note that it will be impossible to find out if message was marked as unread before deletion if you check this option.

Empty "Deleted" folders on exit - check this option if you do not want to store deleted messages. Be careful as deleted messages will be deleted from server during next synchronization if you checked Delete after deleted at Mail Deletion tab of service settings.

There are two possible deletion modes: when messages are moved to "Deleted" folder first on deletion and can be moved or copied to any other folder from it. Messages are deleted permanently only after deletion from "Deleted folder". The "Deleted" folder is not used in the second mode. In this case messages are deleted permanently at once and can not be restored later. Be careful with this mode as if you check Delete after deleted from "Deleted" option in service settings deleted messages will be removed from server during first synchronization after they have been deleted.

Creating New Message

When you want to create new message tap New at the bottom of the screen.

New message window will appear. You can enter message text and fill necessary header fields at this window. You will see three fields at once: "To", "Subject" and "Service". To see "CC", "BCC" and subject fields tap button.

You can enter recipient name and address either from keyboard or choose from contact list. To choose address from contact list tap button.

To choose service for message sending tap button and choose service you need from popup list.

While editing message text tap and hold somewhere at the text area to see popup menu which allow you to do following actions:

For more information see Message Editing

Editing Message

To edit existing message tap and choose Open from popup menu. Or tap on it twice. Note you can edit only message created by you.

To attach file tap button and choose file to be attached. To switch between attach mode and text mode you should tap small clip that will appear in the right-top corner of the screen.

To add signature if you specified any for current service tap and choose Add Signature from popup menu.

To stop editing and put message to the "Outbox" folder tap button.

To stop editing without message saving tap .

If you tap you will see popup menu with follow items:

To change settings tap button. For more information see Settings.

To receive or send mail tap button. For more information see Mail Sending and Receiving.

Reading Message

To read downloaded message tap and choose Open from popup menu. Or tap on it twice.

If there is small clip in the right-top corner of the screen it shows that message has attach. To see attached files just tap this little clip.

To read other messages from the same folder use green arrows in the bottom pf the screen.

If you tap you will see popup menu with follow items:

To change settings tap button. For more information see Settings.

To receive or send mail tap button. For more information see Mail Sending and Receiving.

Saving Message

To save message tap and choose Save from popup menu.

To save message to separate file tap and choose Save as from popup menu. Then select file name and folder.

Deleting Message

To delete message choose one or more messages from folder and then tap and choose Delete from popup menu or tap button if it is visible.

Copying Message

To copy or move one or more messages select them from folder, tap and choose Move to Folder or Copy to folder from popup menu. Then select destination folder.

If you copy message header to another folder and then try to download the whole message, it will be downloaded only to the initial folder. If you need copies of one message in different folders download it first and then copy.

Note: if in IMAP service you have downloaded only message header and then move it to local folder that is not linked to server one it will be impossible to download message body later.

Marking Message

To mark messages as read or unread select one or more messages from folder, tap and choose Mark from popup menu. Then select how messages must be marked (read or unread). If you selected one message only this one or all messages in folder can be marked at your wish.

To download the whole message after its header or part was downloaded select one or more messages from folder, tap and choose Mark from popup menu. Then select Mark For Download. Message will be downloaded during next synchronization. If you marked message to be downloaded but do not want it to be downloaded just select Mark For Don't Download from popup menu.

Replying Message

To reply or forward message go to Messages tab, select message, tap and hold it and select necessary action from popup menu.
Subject will be filled automatically according to subject of original message but you can change it manually if need.
For mor information see Edit message.

Changing Message Encoding

To change message encoding tap and choose Encoding from popup menu. Then select charset you need.

Adding Attachment

You can select file to be attached to your message at this window.

You can either enter file name by hand or select it browsing available folders.

General Message Properties

This tab contains general information about message: location, size, type, and priority, time when it was sent or received. All header fields you can see at Details tab.

Details Message Properties

This tab contains all message header fields and body.

Mail Sending and Receiving

When you need to send or receive mail tap button and select necessary action from popup menu.

You also can synchronize one service or several services one by one selecting them from this menu.

During messages sending, receiving or service synchronizing all actions and if they were success are shown at the status window.

Status Window - Tasks

This tab contains list of tasks taken during last synchronization or messages sending or receiving and shows which tasks were completed successfully. You can see full information on all errors at the Errors tab if any occurred.

Status Window - Errors

This tab shows information on each error that occurred while processing requested tasks. This information can include service name, server name, protocol and port that were used, if SSL is on or off, error code and verbal description.

Encoding Error

This window appears when you try to save or send message that contains characters that are not included into charset used for the message. In order not to lose information use Unicode charset or select other one which contains all necessary symbols. Any characters not included into selected charset can become unreadable.

Service Changing

This window appears when you try to save message which service has been changed during editing.

You can either move the message to the Drafts folder of new service or leave it where it was (service will not be changed in this case).

If you change service for a message and send it without saving it will be moved to Outbox folder of newly specified service.