PocketIRC Help

Getting Around PocketIRC
Using PocketIRC
Using The Action Button

How to
Connect to IRC
Join a Channel
Chat and Perform Actions
Register Pocket IRC

Copyright © 2002 Code North Software.


Getting Around PocketIRC

  1. IRC Menu
  2. Input Box
  3. Action Button
  4. Context Menu
  5. Window Tabs
  6. User List (Channel Windows only)

See Also
Using PocketIRC
Using The Action Button

Using The Action Button

In PocketIRC the Action Button is the green arrow at the bottom of the screen. This button can be used in two ways:

  1. Tap-and-hold on the Action Button to display the Context Menu, where you can select which command you would like to perform.
  2. Tap once on the Action Button to automatically perform the Default Command.

Default Commands

Each type of window has a Default Command associated with the Action Button. The default commands are:

Status Window
Join (if you enter a channel)
Query (if you enter a nickname)
Channel Window
Query Window

The Default Command can also be performed with the Enter key, either using the on screen keyboard or however is appropriate to the input method you are using.

See Also
Getting Around PocketIRC
Using PocketIRC

Using PocketIRC

Due to the difference in the way you input data on a Pocket PC vs. desktop computers, PocketIRC has been designed to minimise the amount of typing required to perform commands and doesn't employ the same command syntax as most IRC clients.

Most PC IRC clients accept commands in the format /join #channel where the / indicates the beginning of a command, "join" is the command to perform and "#channel" is the command parameter, indicating the channel to join.

In PocketIRC, things work a little differently. To join a channel, enter the channel name (ie. #channel) in the Input Box and then tap the Join command on the Context Menu.

The Context Menu can be accessed in two ways:

  1. Tap-and-hold the Action Button (the green arrow). Or...
  2. Tap-and-hold directly on the Tab of the window you want to use.

When a Channel or Query tab is active, only commands that are relevant to that window are presented on the Context Menu.

Server commands such as joining a channel or opening a query, quitting IRC, or changing your nick can be accessed at any time by tapping IRC and then Server, or by using the Status window Context Menu

See Also
Getting Around PocketIRC
Using The Action Button
Join a Channel
Chat and Perform Actions

Connect to IRC

  1. Tap IRC, Options.
  2. Enter your desired Nick and Real Name in the appropriate boxes. Be aware that you might not be able to connect if somebody is already using the Nick you choose.
  3. Enter the name of the IRC server you want to connect to, and the port number (usually 6667 or 6669).
  4. Tap OK to save your settings.
  5. Tap IRC, Connect.
Your settings will be saved, so the next time you want to connect simply tap IRC, Connect.

See Also
Join a Channel
Chat and Perform Actions

Join a Channel

When you have first connected to IRC, you can easily join a channel using the Action Button...

  1. Tap on the Input Box and enter the name of the channel you want to join (followed by the key if the channel requires one).
  2. Tap the Action Button once.
Note: If you forget to put the # at the beginning of the channel name PocketIRC will think you are trying to open a query to a user instead of trying to join a channel.

If you are already connected and talking on another channel or in a query, you can join a channel by using the Server Menu...

  1. Tap on the Input Box and enter the name of the channel you want to join.
  2. Tap IRC, Server, Join.

See Also
Connect to IRC
Chat and Perform Actions

Chat and Perform Actions

After joining a channel, or opening a query window, tap on the window tab to make sure it is selected. Then...

  1. Tap on the Input Box and enter what you wish to say.
  2. Tap the Action Button.
This will send the text you entered to the currently active channel or query.

If you wish to enter an action, or description of what you are doing...

  1. Tap on the Input Box and enter your description, such as "laughs".
  2. Tap and hold the Action Button, the Context Menu will appear.
  3. Tap Act.
If your nick was PocketGuy then this will be displayed to other users as:
* PocketGuy laughs.

See Also
Connect to IRC
Join a Channel

Register Pocket IRC

Once you are ready to register your copy of Pocket IRC, visit http://pocketirc.com/ where you can make your payment for Pocket IRC and have your registration code sent to you by email. Please allow up to 12 hours to receive your registration code.

After you receive your registration code, enter it on the About tab, in the Options window.

Thank you for your support!