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Smart Dialing is an intuitive application that makes it much easier to dial a phone number on your Pocket PC Phone Edition. Without Smart Dialing, you would need to manually enter the entire number to be dialed, or search through the Contacts entries or Call History to find and select the desired number. In addition, numbers in the SIM card and Contacts are stored independently, and you would need to search each manually.
The sorting function of Smart Dialing will search the Phonebook entries in both the SIM card and Pocket Contacts, as well as numbers in Call History (Incoming, Outgoing, or Missed). As soon as you start entering numbers, Smart Dialing starts looking for matches, and lists them in the Smart Dialing window in the upper left area of your screen. Simply select the one you want to dial. Smart Dialing runs on top of the MS Phone Dialer application, supports each stage of Phone Dialer in which you can enter a number (such as normal calls, conference calls, etc.), and makes dialing less cumbersome.
NOTE: On your Pocket PC, Smart Dialing will be invoked by default every time you begin to dial a number. If you wish to disable this feature, select Smart Dialing Options... from the Tools Menu in the Phone Dialer screen, then uncheck the Enable Smart Dialing checkbox, then tap OK. After you have done this, the standard behavior of the MS Phone Dialer screen will be restored when dialing numbers.
Starting Smart Dialing and basic usage
There is no icon or menu command for invoking Smart Dialing. It starts running along with Microsoft Phone Dialer automatically, as soon as you start dialing a number.
Select Phone from the Start Menu, or press the Talk button. The Phone screen will open. Tap the first digit of the number you want to dial. The Smart Dialing window will then appear in the upper left area of the Phone screen.
Smart Dialing then starts looking for numbers that match the sequence you have entered thus far. It looks for matches in your SIM card, Pocket Contacts, and Call History. Each time you tap an additional digit, the search is narrowed, and the resulting filtered list is re-displayed. The list may include phone numbers and/or Contact names associated with matching number sequences. From the list, select the number/contact you want to dial or send an SMS text message.
To call the highlighted name/number, you can do any of the following:
* Press the Send/Talk button on your Pocket PC to dial the default number.
* Tap the Talk button in the Phone Dialer screen to dial the default number.
* Double-tap the desired item in the list to dial its default number, if you have enabled this feature in the Options screen.
* Press your stylus on the desired name/number to open the pop-up menu, which lists all phone numbers associated with that Contact. Tap the desired number in the list to dial it. (If the selected item is not a Contacts item, the menu contains only the Call and Send Text Message commands.)
* If the item is from Contacts, an icon shown to the right of the item will indicate which phone number is currently set as the default (w = work number, h = home number, etc.). If an additional arrow icon is shown to the right of this indicator, it means there are other phone numbers assigned to this Contact. In lieu of opening the pop-up menu, you can press the Right or Left navigational button on your Pocket PC to select a different number to be called, if desired.
To send an SMS text message, highlight the desired name/number in the Smart Dialing window, then either:
* Select Send Text Message from the Tools Menu. Or,
* Press your stylus on the name/number to open the pop-up menu, then select Send Text Message from the pop-up menu.
If the selected name/number is located in Contacts, a checkmark will denote the default phone number on the pop-up menu. Selecting Send Text Message then opens the standard SMS Messaging window, with that default phone number placed in the To field. (You can edit the number in the To field if desired.)
More details about Smart Dialing's matched items
Matching is performed according to both the number and the letters associated with the selected key on your Pocket PC's keypad. For example, the “2” key is associated with the number 2 but is also associated with the letters a, b, and c. Therefore, if you first tap the “2” key, Smart Dialing will list the numbers associated with your Pocket Contacts that begin with 2, and the numbers in Call History that begin with 2. But it will also list the Pocket Contacts and SIM Contacts whose names contain a, b, and c anywhere in the name.
As you tap additional keys on the keypad, the list of matches is immediately updated and narrowed accordingly. If you tap 23, Smart Dialing will search for matches containing ad, ae, af, a3, bd, be, bf, b3, cd, or cf, c3, 2d, 2e, 2f, 23. Contacts and called numbers in the Call History which have a prefix number of 23 will also be listed as matches.
Notes about items in the matched list:
* Items listed could be from the SIM card, Contacts, or Call History (incoming, outgoing, or missed). To the left of each item in the list, an icon will indicate which of these places the item is from.
* If the item is from Contacts, an additional indicator is shown to the right of the name. It indicates which phone number in Contacts has been assigned as the default number for that Contact. For example, m indicates “mobile” phone number, h indicates “home” phone number, w indicates “work” phone number, etc. If an arrow icon is shown to the right of this indicator, it means there are other phone numbers also assigned to this Contact. You can view all numbers by pressing your stylus on the item. Or, you can press the Right or Left navigational buttons on your Pocket PC to switch to other numbers.
* If the item is from SIM or Contacts, the name will be listed the same as it is stored in SIM or Contacts.
* If the item is from Call History, it will be listed as a phone number. Duplicate numbers will be listed only once.
Using the Smart Dialing window
When you begin to dial a number, the Smart Dialing window opens in the upper left corner of the MS Phone Dialer screen. It consists of two panels. The upper panel displays the numbers you have tapped thus far. The lower panel contains the list of items that Smart Dialing has found to match the number string you have entered thus far. Both Portrait orientation and Landscape orientation are supported.
If you need to “backspace” over a number you have entered, tap the standard Arrow icon in the Phone screen (to the right of the Smart Dialing window). If you clear all numbers from the upper panel, the Smart Dialing window will automatically close. It will also close if an incoming call is received. To re-open it, simply tap any number button on the keypad in the Phone screen.
By default, the window does not obstruct or hinder access to the soft keypad or any other buttons in the Phone Dialer screen. To expand the window so that it utilizes the length of the screen, tap the icon to the right of the upper panel (the panel in which your entered numbers appear).
To scroll the list up or down, tap the “up” arrow or “down” arrow icon at the right side of the window. The increment of scrolling can be controlled in the Options screen.
You can also scroll the list, and highlight the desired item, by pressing the Up and Down navigational buttons on your Pocket PC. Another way to highlight the desired item in the list is to tap it. One item will always be selected at any given time. The selection focus can be moved to the upper panel if desired.
If enabled in the Options screen, you can also scroll simply by dragging your stylus within the list of matched items.
If you press the Action button when an item from Contacts is selected, the Contact Card for that item will display. (A phone number can be dialed from the Contact Card as well.)
For information about dialing a number in the list, see Starting Smart Dialing and basic usage. For other notes about items displayed in the Smart Dialing window, tap here.
In the Command Bar at the bottom of the Phone screen, tap Tools to open the Tools Menu. Note that the Smart Dialing Options... command has been added to this menu. It allows you to turn off Smart Dialing, among other options.
Select the Smart Dialing Options... command from the Tools Menu in the Phone screen to open the Options screen. It allows you to customize the following behaviors of Smart Dialing:
Enable Smart Dialing
This checkbox is checked by default. When checked, Smart Dialing will automatically be invoked every time you begin entering a number to be dialed in the Phone screen.
If you wish to disable Smart Dialing, uncheck the Enable Smart Dialing checkbox, then tap OK. After you have done this, the standard behavior of the MS Phone Dialer screen will be restored when dialing numbers.
Enable drag-scroll
When this checkbox is checked, you will be able to scroll the list of matched items in the Smart Dialing screen simply by dragging your stylus up or down within the list.
Enable double-click for dialing
When this checkbox is checked, you will be able to double-tap on an item in the list to dial the related number.
Display numbers in standard format
When this checkbox is not checked, the numbers you enter will be displayed in the upper panel of the Smart Dialing window “as is,” with no additional characters. For example, 5133215381.
When this checkbox is checked, numbers will automatically be formatted with standard characters such as parentheses, spaces, and hyphens. For example, the above number would display as (513) 321-5381.
Scroll Unit
The value in this field controls the increment of scrolling when you tap the “up” and “down” arrow icons at the right side of the Smart Dialing window. From the drop-down list box, select One line to scroll the list of matched items one line with each tap, or likewise Half page or One page.