Esmertec Java AMS User Guide


About MIDlet

MIDlet Management



What is 'Java AMS'?

Java AMS is the abbriviation of Java Application Manager Software.The Esmertec AMS allows you to run Java MIDlets (Mobile Information Device applications) which have been written to the J2ME Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC), Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) specification. The remainder of this document describes how to run MIDlets using the Esmertec AMS.

Starting Esmertec Java AMS

Starting at 'Start' menu and click Java to start Esmertec Java AMS. After startup, Esmertec Java AMS lists installed MIDlet suites. If no MIDlet suite is installed, the system will remind you by a a message.

Exiting Esmertec Java AMS

Press 'End call' button to exit Esmertec Java AMS.

What is 'MIDlet'? What is 'MIDlet suite'?

A MIDlet is a Java program developed based on Java METM Mobile Information Device Profile (MIDP) specification. A MIDlet suite consists of one or multiple MIDlets.
You can find various MIDlets from public Internet or system operator website. In general, a MIDlet/MIDlet suite is composed of a .jad & .jar file.

Esmertec Java AMS allows you to manage, run MIDlet suites on your device.

Installing MIDlet/MIDlet suite

There are several ways to install a MIDlet suite

Installing MIDlet/MIDlet suite from Internet using a browser

From Esmertec Java AMS main screen, select "Menu"->"Install"->"Browser". Esmertec Java AMS will launch Pocket IE. Please use Pocket IE to browse your favorite websites and follow the instructions to download the MIDlet suite (Normally it is a .jad/.jar file). You have to confirm the download. Esmertec Java AMS will report the progress during downloading and you can interrupt at anytime.
After the MIDlet suite is downloaded, follow the instructions to install

From your device

After Esmertec Java AMS is startup, select "Menu"->"Install"->"Local Files". Esmertec Java AMS will find all MIDlet suites on your device except those under My Device\Windows and its subdirectories.

Select the MIDlet suites you want to install and follow Esmertec Java AMS intructions to start.

You also can use the connectivity provided by your device, for example Bluetooth, USB, cradle, IrDA or storage cards to transfer/copy MIDlet suites from a PC to the locations mentioned above on your device. Then install the MIDlet suites by the procedures. You can give a display name and assign the folder of a MIDlet suite.

You also can use File Explorer to install a MIDlet suite. Just double click a MIDlet suite file (.jar/.jad) to start installation.

Editing the display name of a MIDlet suite

Select the MIDlet suite you want to edit then click "Menu"->"Actions"->"Rename". Enter the new name then confirm the change.

Removing a MIDlet suite

Select the MIDlet suite you want to uninstall then click "Menu"->"Actions"->"Uninstall". You will be asked to confirm the removal of the MIDlet and any associated files. Select 'OK'.

Note: You can not uninstall a single MIDlet from a MIDlet suite. Uninstalling a MIDlet suite will uninstall all MIDlets inside in the same time.

Updating a MIDlet suite

Select the MIDlet suite you want to update then click "Menu"->"Actions"->"Update". The MIDlet suite is updated using the stored information, such as the JAD file URL.

Please followInstalling MIDlet/MIDlet suitefor subsequent steps.

Note: If you have renamed an installed MIDlet suite or an individual MIDlet in a multi-MIDlet suite and you choose the update option, the MIDlet name will revert back to the name given in the original JAD file. However, the renaming of the suite is preserved across an update.

Running a MIDlet suite

Select the MIDlet suite you want to run. Or, click "Menu"->"Actions"->"Launch" to start the MIDlet.

Stopping a MIDlet suite

You can use the 'Exit'/'Quit' option to stop a MIDlet if presented on the MIDlet menu.

Getting MIDlet suite properties

In the displayed list, scroll to the MIDlet you want to view information on. Select "Menu"->"Actions"->"Info". The properties of the selected MIDlet is displayed. This includes the size of the MIDlet, version number, vendor, domain and URL from which it was downloaded. In the case of a multi-MIDlet suite, the names of the individual MIDlets are also given.

Management MIDlet suites

You can perform following tasks with Esmertec Java AMS:

Displaying MIDlet suites by folder

Selecting a folder of the main screen. You will see all MIDlets belonged to selected folder.

Assigning a MIDlet suite to a folder

Select the MIDlet suite you want to change then go through "Menu"->"Move". Select the folder then confirm.

Floder management

"Menu"->"New Folder" to create a new folder under the current folder. You also can select a folder and click "Menu"->"Actions" , to execute relevant operations about folder.

MIDlet permission settings

There are some actions a MIDlet may take according to its purpose. For example to access the Internet or store a picture on your device. MIDP 2 offers a selection of permission options, which can be individually set for each MIDlet suite already installed. You can ask Esmertec Java AMS to prompt you for a Internet access caused by the MIDlet or disable the Internet access.

Select the MIDlet you want to change the permissoin settings, go thourgh "Menu"->"Actions"->"Security" to set permission of following actions.

Note: Changes to permission settings for a MIDlet in a multi-MIDlet suite will affect the settings for the whole suite.

Uninstalling all MIDlets & folders

Select "Menu"->"Uninstall All" to uninstall all installed MIDlets and folders.

Certificates management

Select "Menu"->"Certificates" to list the certificates on your device. Select 'View' to get more information of a selected certificate. You can enable/disable a certificate by clicking the check box ahead of it.


Select "Menu"->"About" to get Esmertec Java virtual machine information including version, dates and copyrights.


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