sets the LEFT softkey on the Today screen as "New SMS" and allows you to start a new SMS message from the Today screen. This CAB creates a shortcut in \Windows\AppButtons that triggers the following command: "tmail.exe" -service "SMS" -to "" After it creates the shortcut, it sets the following registry key and value: [HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112] @="New SMS" "Open"="\Windows\AppButtons\NewSMS.lnk" As long as you are using a stock ROM, it will work fine. If not, you may have to fix your shortcut to launch the correct service... ie. "MMS" or whatever. If you want it to launch a new Hotmail, for example, change the service to "Hotmail". If you need to identify the service name, browse to HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\SVC, and then just fix the shortcut in AppButtons using notepad.