Schizophrenia, Translated using old greek, means "Splitting of the mind". Dating back to ~2000BC the illness has been around sence mankind could keep written records, but was not made an official Mental Disorder untill 1893 by Emil Kraepelin. However he believed it was a form of Dementia, wich it is not. The word schizophrenia was not commonly used untill around 1908 when Eugen Bleuer used it to discribe a seperation of personality, thinking, memory, and perception. Many people commonly think that schizophrenia is synonymous with having "split personality", this is incorrect however. Even thought many patients with schizophrenia may hear voices, and give the voices their own independant personalitys, there is no change in the patients personality. This confusion is believed to have originated due to the literal latin translations of schizophrenia meaning Split, or shattered mind. T.S. Elliot didnt help it either when he used the term "split personality", instead of schizophrenia" in an artucle he wrote in 1933. In the early 20th Century schizophrenia was said to be a hereditary defect, and people diagnosed with it were subject to eugenics. Eugenics is a social philosophy which advocates the improvement of human hereditary traits through various forms of intervention. One major example of eugenics would be Nazi Germany, and their concentration camps, where in addition to jews, homosexuals, and Mentaly handicapped people were excuted, people with severe mental illnesses joined the body count. The causes of schizophrenia are still debated, but studys seem to suggest that Genetics, early environment, neurobiology, and, psycological and social processes are highly important contributing factors. However there hasent been a common cause between any patients diagnosed with the disease. It is widly accepted that the causes originate from a combination of both brain volunerabilitys, and stressful life-events, like rape, molest, beatings, etc. Even factors like Poverty and discrimination have lead to schizophrenia, and relapses. It is suspected that amphetamines, wich trigger the release of dopamine, is responsible for many symptoms of schizophrenia. Hallucinogens have also been known to trigger schizophrenia, or cause relapses. Drugs such as Ketamine, PCP, and LSD have been used to simulate schizophrenia. LSD has sence been removed from the test groups, because scientists can tell the difference between a schizophrenic episode and the drug effects. Ketamine, and PCP are still used in research, due to the simaler reactions, and symptoms. People with schizophrenia also tend to smoke tobacco more then the rest of society. People Expirencing schizophrenia may have; disorganized thinking, auditory hallucinations, and delustions. Other symptoms include disorganized speech, Extremly disorganized behavior. Many people suffering from schizophrenia have a lack in emotional responses, a lack of speech(mute), and declines in motivation. Another symptom of schizophrenia is catatonia. Catatonia is a syndrome of psychic and motoric disturbances. Catatonic schizophrenics have either an extreme loss of motor skills, or constant hyperactive motor skills. Many catatonic patiens will hold a position for hours, ignoring their surroundings. in addition to this, in some cases the person will show movements known as wasy flexibility. This means that a person will either maintain a position after being placed in it, or they may gegenhalten, wich means counterhold. During gegenhalten a person will resist movement in proportion to the force applied by another individual. The idea of a cure for schizophrenia is controversial. It is thought that improving function is more attainable then a cure for the problem. Anti psychotics are used often in the treatment of schizophrenia. However anti psychotics have a large amount of serious side effects, many of them are simply unpleasent or painfull, but some can be lethal. In many cases schizophrenia is treated with informal, community-lead methods. Interestingly enough, these informal treatments seem to work slightly better then the scientific, treatments. Observations have been made showing that tobacco use decreases schizophrenic symptoms. Dr. Tony George, suggested a nicotine patch during treatment of schizophrenia. In most catatonic cases, electroconvulsive therapy seems to be the most effective, however there is absolutly no recomendation for other cases to use this treatment. There is no way to prevent schizophrenia. However if the symptoms are caught early enough, treatment has a large effect on the disease. Studys have found that people suffering from schizophrenia in developing countrys have a better chance of recovery, even though there is a signifigant lack of drugs, to aid the treatment.