Leo's Flight Simulator
Little flight simulator for PocketPC, Windows CE, Windows 9x and Windows NT,2000,XP
The main window
The main window of the Leo's Flight Simulator is the view of the pilot. It's divided horizontaly by a splitter in two areas. The upper area is de view screen of the pilot and the lower area is the instruments panel. These two areas can be resized moving the splitter between them.
Screen viewer
The screen view show a visual representation of the World. The screen view is interactive and it's used to set the view options, the mode of view (internal o external) and move the point of view or turn the head of the pilot.
Left <
Move the view point to the left or turn the pilots head to the left
Zoom +
Aproximate the view
Zoom -
Reduce the view
External view of the aircraft
View the world from the pilot position in the cockpit
Satellite view
Right >
Move the view point to the right
Panel of instruments
The panel of instruments shows the cockpit's main instruments.
Marks the relative position of the NDB navaid selected.
The altimeter marks the altitude over the sea
Attitude indicator
Artificial Horizont. Marks the current attitude of the aircraft.
Leo's Flight Simulator autopilot is able to maintain an altitude, heading, follow nav and follow an ILS approach
The compass marks your current heading. The button on the left side its used to move the bug that marks the heading on the Autopilot. To move the bug tap on the button on left side and drag up and down the stylus. The bug move and the autopilot turn the aircraft if it's engaged.
Indicated Air Speed IAS
This gauge marks the current speed. The instrument don't measures the real speed but the speed on the air.
Nav radios
Frequency selector of the Navigation Radio. Select the frecuency tapping on the number and draging up and down with the stylus. The radios can be selected easier in the view scenery window
These instruments works with the Navs radios. To use this instrument first select the correct frecuency of the radioaid in Nav1 or Nav2. The instrument marks the deviation from the selected heading on the OBS. To set the selected heading use the button on the left side
Turn coordinator
Show the current turn ratio and the turn coordination ball.
The ascent or descent ratio.
Main options
Configurate many program options. The options are divided in pages that are accesible in the upper tabs.
Options window
General options of the program
Crash detection
The aircraft crashed and the situation is reseted when the user crash. If it's unchecked the aircraft no crash but bounce on the ground
Default situation
When the program starts the default situation is loaded. This situation can be saved using the Save default situation button.
Fast view transition
The aircraft crashed and the situation is reseted when the user crash. If it's unchecked the aircraft no crash but bounce on the ground
Last shutdown situation
The program starts just as the user exit of the program last time.
Show screen guides always
When the user taps on the screen viewer guides of the hot spots of this window are show. This option causes that this hotspots will be shown every time. It's useful when the user is learning to use the system.
Sound effects
Enable/Disable the sound
Use this window to select the aircraft you want to fly. The aircrafts has diferent flying characteristics. Use flaps to vector the thurst in the Harrier and osprey.
Screen rendering quality options
Compex all objects textured
All objects in the screen view are textured and high quality rendered.
Fast texture
Move the slider to the left to get more quality in the rendering. More quality means less refresh rate.
Ground not textured
The ground is flat coloured but the other objects are texturized. The rendering is faster than Complex detail level
The far objects are rendered lighter and better. This option has no impact on rendering speed so it's recomended use it.
No element textured
Every object and ground rendered in the screen is flat. This is the fastest rendering.
Texture quality
Move the slider to the left to get more quality in the rendering. More quality means less refresh rate.
View range
The range of earth that is visible in the screen viewer. Far means more ground to render and a slow refresh rate.
Winds config
Config of the wind and turbulences. There is two layers
Height where this wind is blowing
From where the wind is blowing
How much wind
How gusty this wind is.
Configuration of the options related to Gliders.
Easy find thermals
Thermals are marked with birds and gliders that are flight arround then. Where the birds are flying you can get higher.
Controls the termal activity
Tow aircraft
Select the aircraft that will compain you in your flights. The option Formation use this aircraft or this is the aircraft used to tow your glider to take off from ground. Choose an aircraft that matches your glider, don't try to tow a glider with a Harrier.
Use winch to launch glider
If you prefer a winch launch in place of towing aircraft check this option.
Keys configuration
Select the key configuration. You can set any function to any key. The hard buttons of the PDA are also implemented. To set a key asignament, push on the assigned part of the list and select the key on the combo. To assign a hard button on a PDA the easiest way is select the command and press the hard button.
Clouds config
Clouds config. There is posibility to define two layers of clouds.
The bottom of the clouds layer.
Top of the clouds. This top is only applicable to overcast layers.
Select the type of the clouds. None, 1/5,..,4/5, overcast. The clouds produce thermals. If you want a good soaring day, define 4/5 clouds.
Dynamic scenery configuration dialog
This dialog controls the dynamic scenery configuration. The dynamic scenery are other aircraft that are flying with you. These aircrafts use ATC like you and it's posible to see it landing and requesting permision to land like you.
Comm config dialog
It's posible to fly the Leo's Flight Simulator with other user.
Connect (Slave computer)
Configura the IP address of your partner
Use the infrared port to connect the other player.
Use the infrared port to connect the other player.
Listen (master computer)
The master computer waits to other computer connect. To conect via IrDA put the ports in direct view and put a PDA in listen mode and then use the connect button on the other PDA to complete the process.
Use a standard socket to connect other player. Please, read about your configuration to see if this option is available.
Select ATC Service
Select an ATC service in the airport
Frequency selector
Select an ATC service of an airport
Load a situation previously saved
Save the current situation on disk
Select a name and a description
Flaps have two functions. They are used to increase the lift generated by the wing. 15º can be used to assist take off. But when the flaps are fully down, they cause a lot of drag which can be used to make final approach and touch down. The trade-off is that the stall speed decreases when the flaps are down.
The four forces
n a plane there are 4 forces:
- Drag downwards. It’s produced by frontal surface of the plane.
- Power forwards. The engine produces it.
- Weight downwards.
- Lift upward. The wing produces it.
The wing
An aircraft wing is curved in cross section. It is more curved on the upper surface than on the lower. This means that air flowing over the wing must travel faster over the upper surface than over the bottom surface. Therefore the air pressure is higher below the wing than above it and this produces lift.
If the angle of curvature of the wing is increased more lift are generated.
But if the angle is too great, the air cannot flow over the wing quickly enough and lift rapidly decreases.
The plane stalls and the descends quickly and out of control. This situation is dangerous especially at low altitude. If you stall, apply full power and nose down
The flight simulator has a complete glider package including tow or winch launch. Ridge or thermal soaring.
Ridge soaring
The mountains defects the wind upwards. Look the correct ridge and you will get higher. Note you must config winds to ridge soaring
Thermal soaring
Thermal is a hot air flow upwards. You will find thermals mainly under clouds. Select Clouds 4/5 for more choices of find a thermal. If there is no clouds there are few thermals.
Tow launch
This launch method for gliders is a tow from an sport light airplane. A rope ties the propeller and the glider and the propeller pulls of glider until desaired height
Winch launch
A rope is tied to the glider and a winch pull form it.
Air Traffic Control
The air traffic control is responsible of the security of the flight. The ATC is divided in several types of controllers. The controller is responsable of a phase of the flight
ATC logic sequence on controlled airports
ATC logic sequence on uncontrolled airports
Approach controller
Controller responsable of the descent and get you near the airport.
Multicom is not a controller. It's a frecuency where the pilots are listening and talking about their maneuvers. It's not enforced to listen this frecuency but it's extensively used
Tower controller
The tower controller is responsable of lands and take offs. When the taxi to active runway is completed the tower controller give the permission for takeoff
Departure controller
Controller responsable from just after takeoff to the cruise altitude. Usually is the same as the approach controller
ATC Center
Cruise stage controller
Instrument used to navigate. Mark the relative position to the NDB Radioaid selected.
The Air Controllers are responsable of the air traffic. There is several types of controllers depending of the part of the flight they control
Leo's Flight Simulator implements a full Autopilot feature. This autopilot features
Communication radio
To talk ATC. Traffic control is composed by several services.
Measure the distance to a VOR station
Tap and drag
A user input technique. The user must down the stylus in the screen and without up the stylus move the stylus to other location
A glider is an aircraft that has no engine at all. The glider is launched generally by towing by an engined airplane or by a winch
A helicopter is a machine heavier than air that gets lift from the movement of one or several rotors
Instrument landing system
Navigation radio. Select a VOR frecuency
It's an obsolete type of radioaid
Working with the Nav radio it's used to find your position
The osprey is a tilt rotor. A convertible. It can fly like a helicopter or an aircraft.
The status of the simulator, aircraft, altitude,attitude, etc. The situations can be saved on disk
This is the equivalent of the Mouse click. Touch the screen with the stylus to tap.
Engine vectoring
Few aircrafts like the harrier are able to change the direction of the exhaust gases to perform a vertical takeoff