End User License Agreement Lakeridge Software grants you a license to use this program free of charge for seven days. By downloading and using this program you agree to the following terms: Under this license, you may: 1. Use the program on one or more machines that you own at a time as long as those copies of the program are in trial mode. 2. Make copies of the program for use or backup purposes. You cannot: 1. Reverse engineer the program. 2. Modify, recompile or in any other way change the program without written permission from Christopher McKay or Lakeridge Software. 3. Remove or change the names of the authors of the included skins. 4. Redistribute any files contained in the executables and/or cab files, or the installers without the written consent of Lakeridge Software. We (Lakeridge Software) do not warrant uninterrupted or error-free operation of the program. By downloading this program, you agree to these terms.