Call Forwarding Help
- This porgram allow you to enable or disable call forwarding service.
Enable or disable call waiting
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Call Forwarding, and then Get Settings.
- Choose the call forwording case.
- Enable call forwarding, please entering the fowarded phone number. tap Enable then Set.
- Disable call forwarding, please tap Disable then Set.
Call Waiting Help
- This porgram allow you to enable or disable call waiting service.
Enable or disable call waiting
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Call Waiting, and then Get Settings.
- Then tap Notify me or Do not notify and tap Set.
Voice Privacy Setting
- When you place a call, your phone number will be revealed to the person that you are calling.
Enabling or disabling this function
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Voice Privacy, and then Get Settings.
- In the next screen, tick either Enable or Disable and then OK.
SMS Setting
- By default your device will automatically detect and set your voice mail and SMS access numbers. However, you can view the settings if you want.
Viewing SMS settings
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, SMS, and then Get Settings.
BC SMS Setting
- This service allows you to receive a range of services - such as weather reports and news - pushed to your device as SMS.
Activating and Deactivating BC SMS
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap BC SMS, and then Get Settings.
- In BC SMS either tick Enable or Disable and then OK.
Location Setting
- While using GPS you can decide to gather positioning information only between your device and a satellite (MI) or also allow your network to lock onto your position (MT).
Selecting a GPS method
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Location setting, and then Get Settings.
- Then in Location setting select Location On or Location Off, and tap OK.
- This allows you to choose to accept roaming only (Roaming Only), restrict your phone to calls from your home network only (Sprint Only) or accept to switch roaming and home network automatically (Automatic).
Viewing your Roaming settings
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Roaming, and then Get Settings(retrieving settings may take a few minutes).
- Then in Roaming tap Sprint Only, Automatic or Roaming Only, and tap OK.
TTY Mode
- This mode allows the use of a TTY (for the deaf) machine together with your device.
Viewing your TTY mode settings
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap TTY Mode, and then Get Settings.
- Then tap On or Off and tap OK.
- Initiate custom NAI entry to device via internet over the air.
Start client-initiated IOTA
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Internet, and then Get Settings.
- Tap Start.
- Enable or disable specific alert tone.
Enable/Disable alert
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then Services.
- In Services, tap Alert and then Get Settings.
- Tap Enable to enable the alert.
- Tap Disable to disable the alert.
Auto answer
- This feature, which instructs your phone to pick up the call automatically, is particularly helpful when you are in a hands-free environment. For example, if you are driving and using the earphone, the call will be picked up after a designated number of rings and your hands never have to leave the wheel.
Enabling Auto answer
- In phone dialer, tap Tools, Options and then More.
- To enable tab Headset and then set the rings without pressing Talk will automatic answer.